Friday, July 17, 2009

Its been so long!

Hello again, It has been some time since I have posted a bloggerrr. But I have now seen the new Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince twice. Reactions - At first I was really disappointed that is didn't stick to the book, stuff was taken out and replaced with stuff that never happened and then things would happen a TOTALLY different way then in the book. So I was upset I didn't get to see what I wanted. haha. However, I went the day after and decided that the movies with never be like the books, ever. So I like then separately, the movie is one thing and the book another. It was still a good movie, just a little awkward in some places with the acting. But I believe Tom Felton is becoming an AMAZING actor, he did amazingly in this movie. As well as Rupert, Ron is turning into a better character then I would have guessed. Emma Watson did amazing as well, but anyone could have guessed that. Daniel... oh daniel. He was a little awkward in this one I think. But he was still good, and the best Harry anyone could have hoped for.

Its funny, how much people love this book. And its not for the reasons most people think it is for. It isn't all about the magic and the fantasy, for me its about the people and relationships. They way that the people in these books can always care about something greater than themselves. They care about everyone around them, and for standing up for exactly what they believe in and never stop fighting for it. Its about not making partying, getting fucked up, and looking sexy into a priority. School, friends, family, and their future is the most important thing to most all of them. Friends that take care of each other no matter what they have to go through, even if it is an incredibly evil wizard. Its about the goose bumps you get when you hear the opening music of each movie, the feeling you get in the bottom of your stomach when you hear of the leaky cauldron and Diagon ally. The utter sadness you feel when reading through the last part of deathly hallows, following Harry into the Dark Forest for the last time, hearing how scared he is but still walks right into possible death. The selflessness of giving your self up so your friends and family will no longer have to suffer. About wanting something greater then your self, and expecting NOTHING in return. Its about the feel of the tears that stream down your face while reading of Sirius, Dobby, and Dumbledore dying before your eyes on the page. Nothing can compare. Ever.

And thats just the beginning. UGHHH, I gotta get on with my day, or I will just sit here and go on and on about my love for Harry Potter.

By loves!

Monday, June 29, 2009


Weird. I finally feel what growing up is suppose to feel like... Scary. It goes by too quickly. The things you think should happen never actually do. People do dumb things, and don't always think about others. But this is how you lear, trial and error. For the most part, I have learned more from my failures then I have from my easy achievements. Life is all about change. No matter what kind of person you are, you must change. Adapt to the new and leave behind the old. I am ready for new, the old is keeping me down. Focusing, is going to be KEY for the fall. No more partying. I can't even handle that anymore. I need to take time for my self. I want to move. Colorado preferably. One more year here, then outt. I hope this works. It will work.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Hello! Gray and potentially rainy day :( Matt's home tho, so that nice to have him around. He is currently sleeping, we went with some friends last night to see Transformers 2. The movie was okay, but it was just one big Chevy add, and a highlight of how hot Megan Fox is, but how horrible of an actress she is. I am pretty confident that she had a lot of lines that she said in the old movie in this new movie like... "What do you want?" "What are you/they here for". But at least she looked fine as hell. Bitch don't need to talk to look good. hahaha. And to top it off, the movie theater was HOT AS HELL. It felt like there was no air conditioning on, and EVERYONE in the theater was sweating, and complaining about it after the movie got out. I was walking out behind this dad looking guy who's hair was just DRENCHED with sweat. Sick. And the movie was 2 hrs and 30 mins. Too fucking long, it was the same plot, you had something that bad ones wanted and if they got it they would destroy they world!!?? NO WAY! haha O WELL, HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF BLOOD PRINCE COMES IN 22 DAYS. So I will get some good movies finally. And a good ol' Harry Potter Party :) Yes I am having a Potter Party.

I want another tattoo. And I wanna get rid of the ones on my hips bones. And ideas?? I head there are like balms out there that can slowly fade them over time... I want that. Man you really are dumb at 18 when you go and get some random tattoos and think they are badass at first...then not so much really. O wellllllllll. I will bing some tattoo fading balms.

I want to be in playboy when I am older. I have always wanted this, ever since I can remember. I dont think its slutty, or tasty. Playboy is tasteful. And maybe after a few more trips to the gym, I would be brave enough to bare-it-all. So keep your eye open, if I get my way I will probably be one of Hef's girlfriends.... if he is still alive by the time I get to his old ass. hahahaha.

uhhhhhhh, boring morning. Thinking about going to the gym after bing-ing all those pictures of Megan Fox. I am depressed now :( haha

Have a good day!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I live for my Family and Friends.

I had a great Birthday, in GREAT thanks to my Mother and all my Friends who came out to dinner with us :) It was great to see everyone together and to have my mom there with us too. We went to Stellas Seafood Restaurant, Delicious! Melissa got me a fresh new Harry Potter T-shirt, and an HP necklace.

I don't think I feel any different. Comparing being 19 to being 20 now. Its nice not having to say "teen" after telling someone how old I am :) So now only 364 more days until I am 21 and ALL restrictions are lifted from my life. That will be nice. Not to mention it will be easier to get drunk when you dont have to worry about cops.

Well the sunshine is out, Better get it while its good. Lovelovelove.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I woke up to a little Blue Box!

My lovely mother surprised me with a Tiffany & Co. blue box this morning!!!!!! It was a key necklace from their new key collection. Its beautiful and I love it. She is the besttttt :)

YAY! Its my birthday today! 20 years old, or years young I mean :) Just relaxing today, just finished some breakfast, thinking about going into work to see if I cant get a mani, facial, or a massage. Then mall later with my best bitch to find an outfit to wear to my birthday dinner at Stella's tonight :) It should be a good time, Lots of homies coming to celebrate. Ahhh then this Friday my bestie Matt is coming home from Alabama for a week! So that will be nice to have him close again. The end of June is going to be awesome. You know that feeling you get when you start to realize that everything is the way it was intended. Thats how I am feeling. And I love it. Bout time!! Have a good day lovelys.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

My Harry Potter Fix for the Day :)

Some sweet ass Harry Potter tattoos I was looking at this morning. Contemplating getting the the lightening bolt somwhere? Behind my ear like that one girl has, but use the lightening bolt from the temporary tattoo set. I think that one looks better. not as bulky :) If I was badass enough I would get a sleeve of Harry Potter, but I am not THAT badass, and I am not ready for that pain just yet. And its summer time and I wouldn't want anything to fade, or get messed up by the beach and pool water. Maybe this up coming week for my personal birthday gift will be that lightening bolt tattoo :) Well its another BEAUTIFUL DAY! 2nd in a row actually. I think I will go layout and soak up some rays. Maybe hit up the beach? With some friends? or even solo. I love going to the beach alone, I get a lot more reading done. Enjoy the pictures, and enjoy the last day of the weekend lovelys :)

Friday, June 12, 2009

Sky is blue, Shout out, Future talk,

So first off, Thank you to AmosCookie for the nomination of Kreative blog!?? I am so new here I barely know what that is, but I get the idea! You rule, Thank youuuu :)

However, life and the weather have made a 180! It is no longer rainy and overcast but, blue skies and sunny!! Still not warm enough to bring back out the bikini :( Saddening. Me and my best friend are patching up some weakening spots in our friendship and NEXT WEEK on Wednesday the 17th I will be turning 20 years young. No longer a teenager. WHOA, weird.. haha. Yeah still a weak age, nothing cool happens, but next year is the big show I guess. 21 right? Thats when a life of restrictions is over. Go anywhere you want, drink anything you want, and rent a rental car where ever you need one! That sounds good to me. My best guy friend, Matt, is actually turning 21 ALREADY, this June on the 28th, graduated together but he is just hella old for our grade, Almost a whole year older then me! And he will be here visiting from the 19-29th! So perfect timing. The rest of June should be pretty fun, and hopefully not pass me by too quickly (BUT quickly enough to bring JULY here with the NEW HP MOVIEE!!!!!!!!). OH!!!! AND MY MOTHER GOT A BRAND SPANKIN' NEW COFFEE MAKER. She truly is my savior. And my addictions is stronger then ever to that dark watery liquid. It keeps me together. Keeps me ALIVE! haha

I am starting to realize that my parents are right. Time does pass you by before you know it. Its weird that this time last year, I was somewhere totally different in my life and had a few different goals in mind. Although, the important ones are still the biggest and most in focus, like going to school, finishing my Associates, get out of mom and dads house...haha maybe. I am going to Inver Hills Community College, most people who go there from my high school hate the place, and call it garbage. I find it comforting. I get put off my impersonal settings, and groups of unknown people. I am getting the same thing that my friends are getting at those over crowded universities, in lectures with over 300 people. My teachers know my name.... Well at least the ones I liked and who knew what they were doing haha. And I am paying less then all of them!! Suckers. Well actually my amazing Grandmother is paying less, this last fall she told me she would pay for all my school while I am at inver. She is the most amazing women ever! I love her :) So, I am doing well in the school department, still have about a year or so until I finish my Associates degree, but I am still at mom and dads house for a little while longer... And I am okay with that. I like it here. My parents are awesome... at least my mom is. My dad is a little if-y sometimes. I am content here, and don't have to pay rent.

But I don't want to let life slip by me, I need to take in what's happening around me when it happens. I need to do the things I want too when I want to do them, I need to say what I feel the moment I feel it. I need to allow my self to feel, laugh, love, and live. My parents where ALL OVER the place right out of high school. My parents met each other while seismographing in the Colorado mountains, while sometimes living out of B&B's, friends couches, live in vans. I have seen pictures of them young, and doing all these things. Happy, and Free. Going where they want to go, seeing places they want too, working where they want. Doing what they want with each other. I am going to do that. But its all about that timing, it has to be right and perfect. I think I need a little more knowledge in my head before I go off broadening it. So maybe after obtaining that AA, then buying some plan tickets while really deciding on what I wanna finish school as. I know I will have english and literature, I need that in my life for as long as I live. I need it to give me a break from the cynical, too real, and close minded people in ever day life. Or I would die due too lack of imagination, love, and escape. What do I do with that English major? I cannot edit for the life of me, I ALWAYS need someone else to proof read my own works, I would enjoy teaching after I have done what I want to do and I think I would like to teach high school juniors and seniors, become an author? columnist? But then there is, sociology and anthropology. What do you do with those things now? Now that people go to school just to get a job that will make them a decent amount of money. But what if I want to go to school for the love of it? For wanting to better myself, not just to get that education and piece of paper to tell and them I can do the job they want as long as I get that pay check. And as long as I follow their rules and make them money right? I do not want a life like that. I need reason, and inspiration. Well, my coffee just ran out, and the sun is hot on my back deck. I am going to get it while the going is good and soak up some sun before work this afternoon. So if you have read through this lengthy life rant blog, kudos to you my friends. Where are you going with your education? Why? For the love or money? Have you gone anywhere too organize your life? If so, where? Also, I am on a cooking trip. And if you have any favorite recipes, throw them my way!! Thank you friends!!

Gemini Horoscope 06/12:
Others just want to listen to what you have to say today. Wherever you are, it may be difficult to tend to your own affairs. Although you may not have all the answers, you seem to recognize where others can look to find the answers. You gain positive results in whatever you try to achieve. Your timing is good. Being in touch with your emotional roots is a keynote of the cycle that takes hold in your life these days. This has to do with feelings, but may be a little more than that: it's about making the things you feel and care about a reality. At some level, this means a greater focus on family life--parents, children and relatives--the domestic scene. On a somewhat broader scale, you are likely to find that making a place for yourself may be your biggest interest.